MOM & DAUGHTER Marathon Training: Which Wins Out - Youth or Experience?
Well with about 4 days to go until the Carmel Marathon, the s%i# is getting real for both MOM & DAUGHTER! MOM oddly loves this week...

Awesome Journey of Endurance & Exhaustion: 2 Marathons in 6 Days
I insanely signed up to run marathons only 6 days apart but previously the closest I had ever run marathons was 28 days apart. ...

The Most Important People
What struck me on Monday as I was preparing to speak to my track team and their parents at our end of season banquet, is that I had the...

The Joy of Coaching …. They Are ALL My Kids!
I fully understand why people love to coach. I always understood this concept but what I realized last week after coaching my first high...

After 26 Marathons, Heart Rate Trends Significantly Lower in Subsequent Races
What I found absolutely fascinating after my last marathon was how my heart rate hovered in the Zone 2 and 3 for most of the race. I had...

Serious Headwinds in the Second Half of 2021
Wow, it's been so long since I wrote ANYTHING! I think about writing but I just can't get it done on paper or on screen. It has been...

Ran Like a Horse in the Kentucky Derby Marathon
Well, I finally ran this race in 2021 even though it was supposed to happen in 2020. We all know that NOTHING HAPPENED in 2020. Our trek...

Holy Headwinds!
The marathon was certainly worth the wait. The regimented training schedule all winter was tough and brutal but to be able to bust out...

Building Endurance for the Marathon: Train Harder, Race Easier
Unless you come from a rich family or win the lottery, chances are you will not get rich overnight. Rather the method to building wealth,...

How Exercising During the Coronavirus Era Will Help You – RIGHT NOW
Let’s face it 2020 has been an extremely challenging year for everyone. Most families have spent more time together in these modern...